Reception: March 11, 2012, 12PM - 7PM
USTREAM: Live Streaming

Reis Studios No. 221:
43-01 22nd Street, 2nd Fl.,
Long Island City, NewYork 11101
マップ / Map

[E, M train] Court Square - 23 St, 23 St - Ely Av
[G train] Long Island City - Court Sq
[7 train] No 7 trains this weekend. Take E.

Participating Artists

Keiko Koshimitsu
Kenji Kojima
Ayakoh Furukawa
Yoshiko Ikeda
Kunio Iizuka

Contact: Keiko Koshimitsu

Art Work Detail "Nuclear Series Fukushima Daiichi" by Keiko Koshimitsu

311東日本大震災1周年展覧会 「反原発展」

Reis Studios No.221, 43-01 22nd Street 2nd fl. Long Island City, New York 11101
地下鉄E,G,トレイン: Court Square 23rd Street (旧23st-Ely Ave.)下車 マンハッタンから一駅


越光桂子(こしみつけいこ) フクシマのあの事故を封印してはならない−その思いを写真に託した衝撃的作品
小島健治(こじまけんじ) FUKUSHIMA原発事故の報道写真の視覚データを現代音楽に変換して時系列で演奏
古川文香(ふるかわあやこう) 原発事故による子供達の被爆と将来の健康被害への真剣な危惧を人形で表現
池田佳子(いけだよしこ) 原発事故によってもたらされた物とは −日本を破滅に導くその恐怖のイメージを表現
YUKAKO  我々が守らなければいけない物とは −破壊の直前に放つ美しい地球の輝きを独特のマチエールで表現

2011年3月11日、私たちの美しい母国日本は、地震・津波・原発事故と未曾有の大被害に遭いました。 この東日本大震災以降、私たちアーティストもまた、チャリティー展覧会への参加等まずは自分の良心に従って行動を起こしてきました。それは「助け合いの精神」が生んだ、復興に向けたオールジャパンの協力体制であり、大なり小なりの暖かい支援の手が、少しでも多く、多様な形で、世界各地から東北地方に差し伸べられる事を誰もが切に願っていたからです。 そしてこの大災害の犠牲国となった日本は、自国のみならず世界がエネルギー問題において脱原発へ舵を切る事を訴えていく責務を負い、その責務を果たすことこそが、今回の不幸を無駄にしない唯一の世界への貢献であると信じていました。

311 Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake 1 Year Memorial Exhibition "Anti-Nuke Power Art"

March 11 Sunday, 2012 from Noon ~7 pm.
@ Reis Studio #221, 43-01 22nd Street 2nd fl. Long Island City, New York 11101
Direction: Subway E or G @ Court Sq. 23rd ST (aka 23rd Ely Ave. One stop from Manhattan)

Six New York based Japanese artists with their visual art works in different media warn that it is disapprovingly dangerous for earthquake country Japan to keep nuclear power plants.

participating artists
Keiko Koshimitsu: Sensational photography to remind us of the tragic accident of Fukushima nuclear meltdown
Kenji Kojima: Sound art made by transforming news photos into contemporary music
Ayakoh Furukawa: A doll of baby to show the damage to our health by radiation
Yoshiko Ikeda: What is caused by the nuclear power plant accident? Image of the terror that destroyed Japan
Yukako: What should we protect? A sublime glow that the earth emits just before its destruction
Kunio Izuka: Drawings to reveal the evil of modern civilization.

On March 11, 2012, our beautiful mother country Japan experienced an enormous scale of disaster caused by massive earthquakes, tsunami and the nuclear meltdown by Fukushima nuclear reactors.
Following our conscience, we artists have made various activities such as promoting charity exhibitions and making art works that help understanding of this tragedy since then.
Our actions are the expression of our wish and a part of the spirit of helping each other among all Japanese and encourage any type of help and assistance from all over the world to Eastern Japan, the devastated area .

Japan: the victim country of this unconceivable disaster believes that the world without nuclear energy is what the world must head for and rewards victims' suffering and loss of their family members.

However the structure of concession and greed related to nuclear power does not easily collapse; Japanese government considers the idea of no-nuke as " mere idealism" and does not change its attitude to nuclear energy to maintain its vital economy and the security treaty.
Moreover, most people unfortunately accept nuclear power plants as a necessary evil.
Yet, it is irresponsible to leave the burden such as unsolved problem of nuclear waste onto next generation.

Now is the time to aware of the problems and to make active participations in the society for our children's future.
With their art works and activities, articulating artists in "No Nuke Exhibition" keep sending their messages until Japanese government and the entire world withdraw the use of nuclear power.